Yes, it is We´re pregnant.
I´m going to be a Dad!
There is no getting away from it, there is a 3 way thing going on here.
Whether you realise it or not you are as connected to your Baby as your partner. While Mum has the physical connection and grows your baby, you BOTH have a very real energetic connection. Your Baby shares your DNA and this means that he / she is connected to you and what you feel. It is well known babies absorb Mum´s emotional state when they are in the womb and that severe emotional trauma when pregnant can continue to affect the unborn child after birth. What most people do not understand is that the emotional state of the father has just as much effect on the unborn Baby. Research has shown that when a father shows signs of stress the unborn child does too! So how do you want your Baby to feel?
No matter how happy a Dad – To – Be is there will be times where panic and uncertainty will emerge. Know that this is okay and normal. Its a big thing that´s happening here.
As part of this 3 way thing that´s going on it is important that you know how much you can contribute to the pregnancy, labour and birth of your Baby. It is not all down to Mum. Society dictates that we focus on the expectant mother and growing Baby but that is slowly changing to include the expectant father.
So what is the role of a Dad -To – Be? Here are some suggestions:
If Dad is working away or work long hours and cannot be there at all times, make sure to take videos, video chat with each other and stay in touch.
Pregnancy is not an illness, it is though a very special time in both your lives and one that you will never repeat, even if you have more children, they are all different. You do not have to treat your partner with kid gloves, it is important though, to show your love and support as she will feel very vulnerable on occasion and you are her rock at those times.
It is also worth noting ladies that our men need as much understanding, love and support as we do. It is not pregnancy hormones that cause most of the upset it is lack of communication about our beliefs and emotional reaction to whats going on that usually does it.
The most common cause of any problem in pregnancy is worry, fear and anxiety so do your best to eliminate these emotions and you are well on your way to Being Perfectly Pregnant.
There is no getting away from it, there is a 3 way thing going on here.
Whether you realise it or not you are as connected to your Baby as your partner. While Mum has the physical connection and grows your baby, you BOTH have a very real energetic connection. Your Baby shares your DNA and this means that he / she is connected to you and what you feel. It is well known babies absorb Mum´s emotional state when they are in the womb and that severe emotional trauma when pregnant can continue to affect the unborn child after birth. What most people do not understand is that the emotional state of the father has just as much effect on the unborn Baby. Research has shown that when a father shows signs of stress the unborn child does too! So how do you want your Baby to feel?
No matter how happy a Dad – To – Be is there will be times where panic and uncertainty will emerge. Know that this is okay and normal. Its a big thing that´s happening here.
As part of this 3 way thing that´s going on it is important that you know how much you can contribute to the pregnancy, labour and birth of your Baby. It is not all down to Mum. Society dictates that we focus on the expectant mother and growing Baby but that is slowly changing to include the expectant father.
So what is the role of a Dad -To – Be? Here are some suggestions:
- Go along to antenatal visits and watch your Baby grow and develop. Listen to the heartbeat.
- Join in the antenatal classes
- Share the chores
- Participate in the lifestyle changes that your partner is making
- Be informed
- Make memories
- Communicate
If Dad is working away or work long hours and cannot be there at all times, make sure to take videos, video chat with each other and stay in touch.
Pregnancy is not an illness, it is though a very special time in both your lives and one that you will never repeat, even if you have more children, they are all different. You do not have to treat your partner with kid gloves, it is important though, to show your love and support as she will feel very vulnerable on occasion and you are her rock at those times.
It is also worth noting ladies that our men need as much understanding, love and support as we do. It is not pregnancy hormones that cause most of the upset it is lack of communication about our beliefs and emotional reaction to whats going on that usually does it.
The most common cause of any problem in pregnancy is worry, fear and anxiety so do your best to eliminate these emotions and you are well on your way to Being Perfectly Pregnant.